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K-12 Admissions Process
1. Sign Up for a Tour
Learn more about DaySpring Preschool to see if it's right for you
See the building and classes in action
Request a tour by emailing
2. Fill Out the Application Form
​Fill out the Application here
You will be asked to review the Academy Handbook in order to agree to our policies.
You will be asked to submit an email address of a pastor, coach, or teacher so that we may obtain a Character Reference.

3. Student Shadow Day
Once your application has been submitted, you will be contacted to schedule a Kindergarten Readiness Check OR *Shadow Day (Grades 1-12) for your student.
The Kindergarten Readiness Check is a 30 minute evaluation. Our Kindergarten teacher will meet with your student to read a book, play games, do a craft and other activities to determine your child's readiness.
The Shadow Day allows your student to meet their teacher(s) and potential classmates and experience a typical DaySpring school day.
4. Retrieve Records
For students entering 1st-12th Grades, we will contact your current school for records. Please fill out the Records Request Form to streamline the process.
It is recommended that you fill this out before your student attends the scheduled Shadow Day. Doing so allows us to get back to you sooner with an admittance decision.
5. Acceptance & Enrollment
Once the Shadow Day is complete and we have received school records and a character reference, you will receive a letter with our admittance decision. Once your student is admitted into the Academy, you will need to complete the enrollment process.
New Families: Create an account through our online system-- Click here.​
​Fill out the form. At the bottom of the form, choose, “Select Another Class,” and then select
Once the Enrollment class has been selected, please review our General Policies and Procedure and our Payment Policies, sign, choose a billing
method, and then enter your payment information. Once you enter and submit that information,registration is complete!
Current DS Families: Click here for the JackRabbit link to enroll for upcoming school year.
Select Find Classes at the top of the page
Enrollment Fees are due once your student has been accepted into the Academy
25-26 Enrollment Fee
*$250 per student for K-6th Grade
*$400 per student for 7th-12th Grade
*Enrollment fees will increase $25.00 per month
(March 16/April 16/May 16)
For more information or to arrange a tour, please call the office at 314-291-8878 or email
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